A Cosmetic Dentist Looks at Teeth Whitening Options

Do you want whiter teeth? A cosmetic dentist looks at teeth whitening options and explains how they can work for you. When you visit our Englewood, NJ cosmetic dentist office, we can examine your teeth and make suggestions for the solutions that we feel will work best to improve your smile. Before we do so, it helps to understand how teeth whitening works.
#1 Whitening Solution
Whether you whiten your teeth in our 07631 dental office or at home, some sort of whitening solution will need to be placed on your teeth. That solution will either work to remove the surface stains or it will penetrate your enamel to begin removing the deep stains and discoloration from inside of your teeth. This is done through the process of oxidization. Typically, the solution you buy from the store will only work to remove your surface stains. While your smile will improve, it will not do so drastically. The teeth whitening solution we use at DeSalvo Dental is professional-grade and it will work to remove your deep stains for more dramatic results.
#2 The Process
Many of our 07631 patients come in asking about the different ways to whiten teeth and which one is best. With so many options to choose from, it can get confusing. In general, you can choose from teeth whitening at our Englewood cosmetic dentist office or you can whiten at home using trays or gels.
# 3 Teeth Whitening Results
If you visit our Englewood, NJ cosmetic dentist office, your teeth can become eight or more shades whiter. Whether you use our at-home whitening kits or you have in-office whitening, the results are dramatic when working with a professional grade whitening solution.
Why People Visit Our Cosmetic Dentist Office for Teeth Whitening
Given how easy and convenient it is to whiten teeth, we have people from all over the 07631 area visit us for an in-office whitening treatment. The entire treatment takes less than an hour to complete so you can come in and do it on your lunch break. Nothing can compare to the ease and speed at which you can change your appearance. As a result, our patients come in because…
- They are getting married
- Family pictures are coming up
- They are attending a reunion
- A job interview is scheduled for that week
- They are going on a special date
- It is time to look healthier and younger
- They want to feel their very best
There is no limit to the benefit that can be derived from having a beautiful, bright and brilliantly white smile.
At DeSalvo Dental, we can help you to maintain your beautifully white teeth. We recommend that you visit our Englewood, NJ cosmetic dentist office twice per year to have your teeth professionally cleaned. Plaque buildup can make your teeth appear stained, even when they are not. Removing plaque will keep your smile brilliant. Then, if your teeth need to be whitened again, we can do so during the same appointment. To schedule an appointment with our 07631 office, call (201) 244-7658.
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